Saturday, December 12, 2020

Next step


Before even knowing that I would study it was clear that I would continue studying either a master's degree or even a second career, now that I am in my second year that idea has strengthened and I think it is the best decision I could make.

Why? because I have an eagerness to learn about a versatile range of things, not only about my career and its possible specifications, I have an interest in administration, illustration, cooking and much more activities.

In the specific of architecture, I am interested in heritage and technological innovation, although they seem quite distant issues in my eyes they are quite close since they are a new way of adapting, be it a building or a whole system. All this of course is designed with a permanent departure from the country, it is possible that I will return but I consider that to continue learning I must go out and know much more.

I have not seen very specific places yet, but I am struck by The Bartlett School of Architecture, in London, and ETH Zurich, in Switzerland.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Architect of the future


When I thought about the future and tried to imagine what it would be like, I saw myself as a professional woman in a beautiful apartment, kind of like in the movies, but I didn't know which path would lead to my mental image of success.

So at the beginning my first goal was money, since I thought that it would give me what I wanted. Until I realized that I liked art and I thought I would starve under a bridge.

This is how the money or happiness debate began.

I am quite stubborn and I wanted both, so I started looking for what to do with my life from the age of 14 where I was happy and had money, at that moment architecture appeared almost between angelic choirs.

Arts, mathematics, history and other subjects that were of my preference were combine in the same profession where I could earn money and travel, where the best of all was that upon entering I fell in love with my career and the future that my mind created. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Christmas marathons

I don’t want a lot for Christmas
there is just one thing I need
I don’t care about presents
underneath the Christmas tree.

It gets closer and closer and I count the days until it arrives, one of my favorite parties and the movies are my favorite panorama. I cannot put a marathon as big as I would like but I will leave my favorite films of this beautiful holiday. 

The first is an inevitable classic full of songs and laughter accompanied by a singular tenderness and eccentricity on the part of its characters, the Dr. Seuss classic "The Grinch" where a cynical curmudgeon proposes to steal Christmas until a girl with an overflowing Christmas spirit makes you change your mind.

It is not a classic, but it is inspired by a well-known one, the story of the greedy man who is visited by three ghosts during the night before Christmas and how everything he lives and sees of the past, present and possible future makes him change his shape to be to that of a kinder man. The difference? I'm not talking about old Scrooge, but Eden Starling, the protagonist of Barbie in a Christmas Carol.

With a more modern twist to a less conventional story, can you imagine hiding in Santa's sleigh and thus destroying the lust?

I know it sounds familiar, but the comical touch of Santa singing Rock in Jail in jail at Christmas, plus some elvish language and a story of mourning by the Pierce family kept me in the loop the first, second, and third time I watched Christmas chronicles
Finally, I leave for me one of the best Christmas movies, it's not very popular with children or very moved like the previous ones, it is a movie that made me reflect and think about what it is to believe, I'm still waiting for my ticket from the polar express

Monday, November 2, 2020

Pets of today and tomorrow


Animal lovers and heartless humans good afternoon.

Since I was born I have an intense and possibly insane love for animals, all animals and my love is born with Zafra.

Zafra was our first pet as a family, a Shar Pei that grew up with my younger sister and from whom we robbed her house every chance we could just to play, I don't remember her arrival, but her first departure hurt so much that I cried, the Time and the city got in the way and care increased so my aunt received her with all the love in the world until her last breath when she was about 9 years old.

Then we moved to Los Angeles and adopted Negri, a quiltro that they gave away near our house, we were with her until we returned to Santiago and we decided to leave her with a lady who helped us at home who loved her very much.

We changed size and species and we had a Hamster named Luna, she never adapted to the daytime schedule, but my aunt fell in love with her and played with her every night, one night she ran away and we almost lost her, luckily she returned home healthy and save and spent his last days eating candy for Hamster.

The years passed and the pets were given the green light again and Sora arrived, a Golden Retriever who thought she was a seal and spent it lying on the ground looking up, she was possibly the one I loved the most although he destroyed my vests, but my mother He gave it away without notice or goodbyes, I'm glad it's in a good place, but I'm sorry I can't see it.

Now, my sisters have their pets, the cunning cat Sam and the crazy dog ​​Haru, they are still babies, but they are messy. I no longer live at home, but when I have my own space the first pets I plan to have are a hedgehog and a rabbit, but not at the same time. Maybe in the future there will be ducks and even cows in my house.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Between mud and sand


Ladies and gentlemen, in today's play we have a tragicomedy like those of yesteryear, this story of mud and sand starts like this.

Ironically one of the best vacations is one of the most tragic and improvised of all that I can even remember, but it was in the "end" that everything started to turn into an adventure.

With all my family we went to San Martín, Argentina for the Summer of 2014 or 2015, I don't really remember the year but I will never forget everything that happened.

The night before our return to Chile it rained enough to bring down the first domino in the chain and the next morning at the border it was impossible for us to advance the remaining shorts 5-10 km  of the route, because we were stranded and stuck in mud, between two countries for about 30 minutes trying to get the wheels out of the mud with logs and pushing until we gave up and had to go back to Junín de los Andes (the closest city) but it couldn't be easy.

On the way back to the Argentine border, we felt like the car hit the ground and forced us to stop to check, what we saw was the tire like this:

Although thanks to this we discovered something worse ... while we changed the tire we saw drops of benzine fall to the ground and my mother told us to chew gum to cover the opening, while we tried to repair the opening of the gasoline tank and change the tire a family Argentine French stopped and ended up helping us, after the provisional arrangements we arrived in the city and after a night at the mechanic we were ready to go back to Chile and to our house.

I would love to say that the misadventures ended and we arrived safely in Santiago, but it was not like that.

When we crossed the border by another pass and arrived in Pucón we got together with some friends of the family and had lunch together, about 3 hours later we returned to the market where we parked the car and we only saw the firefighters and police, like a multitude of people surrounding the entire place ... the gasoline tank had dripped again and they began to fill all around with sand to avoid any tragedy.

The return was delayed a week that we spent in a camping with the friends of the family next to a lake in Lican ray.

After all, not everything was so bad, we appeared in the newspaper and extended the holidays for another week, but I would not like to repeat it.

Never force a climb into the mud, it could save you from huge embarrassment and possible accident.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The land of the rising sun

Good afternoon, little stars, the world says hello.

Since my childhood I have been interested in Japanese culture, anime especially but as I grew older, the customs, festivals and all the tourist and residential context that exist in Japan also began to draw my attention.

My dream of traveling to Japan became more in a reality conform I grew up and immersed myself more and more in history and architecture, and well, the tourism pages called me to travel.

Osaka became one of my first obligatory stops in the country. I love castles and museums, besides being one of the best places for see the Hanami, it is also possible to connect with many equally important cities from there, so  would be a good starting place on a trip that I would like not to never end. 
In the end, Japan is not only a destination where I would like to walk but I also open myself to the possibility of living there and although not everyone may find it a destination to visit, I invite you to learn about its very rich culture.

If you are interested in knowing more about Japan and specifically osaka, here are some tourist and historical links: