Monday, November 2, 2020

Pets of today and tomorrow


Animal lovers and heartless humans good afternoon.

Since I was born I have an intense and possibly insane love for animals, all animals and my love is born with Zafra.

Zafra was our first pet as a family, a Shar Pei that grew up with my younger sister and from whom we robbed her house every chance we could just to play, I don't remember her arrival, but her first departure hurt so much that I cried, the Time and the city got in the way and care increased so my aunt received her with all the love in the world until her last breath when she was about 9 years old.

Then we moved to Los Angeles and adopted Negri, a quiltro that they gave away near our house, we were with her until we returned to Santiago and we decided to leave her with a lady who helped us at home who loved her very much.

We changed size and species and we had a Hamster named Luna, she never adapted to the daytime schedule, but my aunt fell in love with her and played with her every night, one night she ran away and we almost lost her, luckily she returned home healthy and save and spent his last days eating candy for Hamster.

The years passed and the pets were given the green light again and Sora arrived, a Golden Retriever who thought she was a seal and spent it lying on the ground looking up, she was possibly the one I loved the most although he destroyed my vests, but my mother He gave it away without notice or goodbyes, I'm glad it's in a good place, but I'm sorry I can't see it.

Now, my sisters have their pets, the cunning cat Sam and the crazy dog ​​Haru, they are still babies, but they are messy. I no longer live at home, but when I have my own space the first pets I plan to have are a hedgehog and a rabbit, but not at the same time. Maybe in the future there will be ducks and even cows in my house.

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