Saturday, December 12, 2020

Next step


Before even knowing that I would study it was clear that I would continue studying either a master's degree or even a second career, now that I am in my second year that idea has strengthened and I think it is the best decision I could make.

Why? because I have an eagerness to learn about a versatile range of things, not only about my career and its possible specifications, I have an interest in administration, illustration, cooking and much more activities.

In the specific of architecture, I am interested in heritage and technological innovation, although they seem quite distant issues in my eyes they are quite close since they are a new way of adapting, be it a building or a whole system. All this of course is designed with a permanent departure from the country, it is possible that I will return but I consider that to continue learning I must go out and know much more.

I have not seen very specific places yet, but I am struck by The Bartlett School of Architecture, in London, and ETH Zurich, in Switzerland.

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