Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Architect of the future


When I thought about the future and tried to imagine what it would be like, I saw myself as a professional woman in a beautiful apartment, kind of like in the movies, but I didn't know which path would lead to my mental image of success.

So at the beginning my first goal was money, since I thought that it would give me what I wanted. Until I realized that I liked art and I thought I would starve under a bridge.

This is how the money or happiness debate began.

I am quite stubborn and I wanted both, so I started looking for what to do with my life from the age of 14 where I was happy and had money, at that moment architecture appeared almost between angelic choirs.

Arts, mathematics, history and other subjects that were of my preference were combine in the same profession where I could earn money and travel, where the best of all was that upon entering I fell in love with my career and the future that my mind created. 

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